Learn ASD

Online learning platform for parents

The goal of our online academy is to empower parents and enhance their confidence by teaching them how to successfully handle difficult situations using the certified behavioral analytic strategies offered in our courses.

ABA Parent Training Program

Learn ASD is a dedicated online learning platform designed to cater to the unique needs of parents with children diagnosed with autism or special educators working with such individuals. At Learn ASD, we recognize the diverse requirements of children with autism and offer a range of courses tailored to different age groups and specific needs within the autism spectrum.

Our flagship course, the ABA Parent Training Course, is a comprehensive program aimed at empowering parents with effective tools and strategies based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). What sets this course apart is its inclusivity, as it is available in four languages – English, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Korean. This multilingual approach ensures that parents from diverse linguistic backgrounds can access and benefit from the valuable resources provided by Learn ASD.

As we are committed to serving our community, we continue to develop and expand our course offerings. We understand that each child with autism is unique, and our upcoming courses will address various aspects of autism spectrum disorders, providing targeted support for different challenges. We encourage our community to stay tuned for new releases and updates, as we strive to create a comprehensive and accessible learning platform for individuals involved in the care and education of children with autism. Learn ASD is not just a platform; it's a community that aims to foster understanding, support, and growth for both parents and educators on this extraordinary journey.

Helping families since 2015 in Richmond BC, our vision is to improve the lives of children with ASD and to assist them to reach their full potential. 

At Learn ASD, we recognize the diverse Learn ASD is a dedicated online learning platform designed to cater to the unique needs of parents with children diagnosed with autism or special educators working with such individuals. 

As the founder of Bridge Kids Behaviour Consulting, established in 2015 in Richmond, BC, Canada, Sally has dedicated two decades to teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Her journey in education has seen her evolve from a behavior interventionist and special education assistant, supporting children with autism and various disabilities, to becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) with a Master of Education degree in Special Education.